Sandhill cranes during sunset at the Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge

Birding in New Mexico

The birding in New Mexico is pretty amazing, which shouldn’t be a surprise given that New Mexico ranks in the top 5 of States with the most bird species. For those who are counting, 560 species have been spotted in New Mexico according to eBird, putting us just ahead of Florida.

As a bird nerd and craniac, I make an effort to visit many of the birding hotspots in New Mexico. Here are some of my favorite New Mexico birding hot spots and resources to help you plan your next New Mexico birding adventure.

Two sandhill cranes takeoff at the Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge in San Antonio, New Mexico.  Bosque del Apache NWR is the #1 hotspot for birding in New Mexico.
Two sandhill cranes takeoff at the Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge in San Antonio, New Mexico. Bosque del Apache NWR is the #1 hotspot for birding in New Mexico.

Top 15 Hotspots for Birding in New Mexico

  • Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge (San Antonio, NM) – 382 species
  • Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge (Roswell, NM) – 349 species
  • Carlsbad Caverns National Park – Rattlesnake Springs (Carlsbad) – 328 species
  • Percha Dam State Park (Arrey, NM) – 325 species
  • Rio Grande Nature Center State Park (Albuquerque) – 324 species
  • Las Vegas National Wildlife Refuge – 296 species
  • Ute Lake State Park – Main Boat Ramp and Campground – 293 species
  • Bosque Redondo Park (Fort Sumner) – 290 species
  • Maxwell National Wildlife Refuge – 290 species
  • Sumner Lake State Park – 283 species
  • Melrose Migrant Trap (11 miles west of Melrose, New Mexico) – 277 species
  • Caballo Lake State Park – Riverside Recreation Area (below dam) – 274 species
  • Elephant Butte Lake State Park – Paseo del Rio – 271 species
  • Mesilla Valley Bosque State Park – 271 species
  • Valle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge (Albuquerque) – 265 species
Other notable birding sites
  • Randall Davey Audubon Center and Sanctuary (Santa Fe) – 220 species
  • Sandia Crest (top of Sandia Peak in Albuquerque) – 145 species, but is the place to go if you want to see the three species of Rosy Finches (black rosy-finch, gray-crowned rosy-finch, and brown-capped rosy-finch), and other hard to find species such as the American Three-Toed Woodpecker.
  • Manzano Mountains HawkWatch: One of the best spots to watch hawks in the southwestern United States.

New Mexico Birding Resources

Happy birding!

Mark (New Mexico Travel Guy)

Mark with Spectacled Owl at the Birdiest Festival in Corpus Christi, Texas, April 29, 2023
Mark with Spectacled Owl at the Birdiest Festival in Corpus Christi, Texas, April 29, 2023